Killing those who transgress against the law or the natural order of things is deemed not only acceptable, but necessary. Justice should be dealt swiftly and surely, but always with an even hand and never for pleasure. Rank is a vital tool in maintaining order through a recognizable chain of command, but by itself, rank is unimportant when seeking the goddess' favor. Grouping with others to preserve law and order is encouraged. To group with those bent on mindless rampaging is an affront to the very nature of this deity.
Followers of Sylune come from all walks of life and all levels of society, and none are shown special preference. They seek only to preserve order in Tharel, for the benefit of all creatures, which leads many to careers in politics, where they are best able to enact or change the laws of the land. Their only interest in the Rod is to keep it from unbalancing the way of the world. Though Sylune herself is not particularly concerned with the ideals of Good and Evil, she tends to show some preference toward the Good, since it is Evil that most often and most flagrantly violates the law. Sylune is viewed by many as a minor woodland deity, though she makes no claims as such. She is merely fond of hunting by moonlight, and because she is encountered quite often in this aspect, she has gained worship as a Goddess of the Hunt. Another minor aspect of Sylune is that of Beauty and Love, stemming from her deific beauty and her "less is more" attitude toward her wardrobe. Further, she is responsible for the oceans, and particularly the metering of the tides. This lends itself also to her perception as a Love goddess, since mortals find her swimming habits somehow suggestive of that other goddess of love.