Once, when evil ran rampant and Mahrina was confused to the ways of Tharel and the people who reside there, she believed she could bar certain races and guilds from joining her temple. But seeing helpful drow, and kindhearted charlatans, her opinions were changed, slowly but surely, on allowing these types into her temple. All races and classes can join her temple, with a watchful eye kept on certain races, such as drow and trolls, and classes, thieves in particular. Any suspicious action within the temple should be noted to the tower (temple), and will be dealt with by the goddess herself.
Looting is needless and should be done little to never, unless an item of great value has been stolen from either the tower or a member in the temple. Player killing is unadvisable on terms of indifferences; however, followers of Mahxissa and all enemies of Mahrina should be killed on sight, to further the cause of light in the war between good and evil, and to bring Mahrina and her temple closer to finding the Rod (narrow down the suspects and you will eventually find the holder). All PKs must be justified with a decent, in character justification note. (You will not be let off on the grounds of, "I was out hunting with soandso and my dagger accidently slipped and fell into his back... it won't happen again" if you make the mistake of attacking a good temple member, or "I saw player and decided they had to die because Mahrina said so..." in the event of killing someone evil.)