Rank will be observed. Higher ranked members will be shown the respect they have earned; in return, they will offer their guidance to those who need it. Because this is a matriarchal society, the female following shall be treated with reverence and looked upon for their wisdom and expert ability in the art of manipulation and deception. It is rare that men hold leadership roles in this female dominated society, however they are treated very well and held in high esteem for their strength and expert tactical strategies
The temple of Jirah is a matriarchal society seeking control and mastery of powerful individuals, through manipulation and deception. Jirah can be a cruel mistress when she is displeased, for this reason, followers seek to gain and keep her favor through action and deed. Beauty and physical fitness are highly useful attributes among those most talented in the art of manipulating others. Meditation is important to revive the body, mind and soul. In Jirah's temple, women are admired for their beauty, their intelligence and their expert manner of using deception. They are Jirah's seductresses. They have the will and the ability to manipulate others for their own and their goddess' purposes; and they best understand when it comes time to betray their victims, revealing their plans and seizing power. The men of Jirah's temple are admired for their physical strength and their skill in battle. If they have the will to protect their mistresses and the sense to be guided by them, then they will prove invaluable. They are the physical tools by which their Mistresses gain and keep control over others.
Acts of kindness are often used with ulterior motives, in other words, "You catch more flies with honey," or, "Kill them with kindness". Aid may be given when there is a foreseen payoff in an attempt for greater gain, be it personal, or for the Shadow Mistress herself. Deception is an art that can lead the unsuspecting into well-planned traps; by the time a pawn knows they have been betrayed, the primary goal has been achieved. The shadows hold untold secrets within Tharel and through understanding, one can master the use of them. Many followers will lurk under the cover of shadow to obtain sensitive information that can be used to manipulate, or gain control over the minds of others. The holder of such secrets can often incite fear or compliance in their victims. Mental, as well as threat of physical torture, can also produce compliance.
The Rod of Destruction is highly sought after for its dominion and mystery. Its secrets, many revealed throughout time, are still out there for the taking and those of Jirah's faith wish to obtain and use it to control Tharel. Alliances with Ytrewtsu, Kiradus and Cylad stem from respect for the sheer power of destruction, wealth, and knowledge that these three religions are known for.