Rage is welcome in Elbar's temple... but so is calm. An intricate balance between the two is necessary in order to fully come to enlightenment on the Path of the Weather. If you are viewed as being imbalanced, you will be given the boot and pointed in the direction of a temple that might better serve your needs, or Elbar will just blast you into itty-bitty quivering bits. Followers of the enemy are only to be attacked if they are interfering with the goals of Elbar, otherwise they are to be left alone. Followers of enemies may be challenged if they are being impertinent or disrespectful, or if they are directly interfering with the goals of Elbar. Followers of allies may only be attacked in self defense. Followers of gods to whom Elbar is indifferent may only be attacked if they are interfering with the goals of Elbar. Deviation of these rules may result in the "itty-bitty bits" clause mentioned above.
Elbar is a god of chaos, he rules the weather, and as such may be calm at sometimes, and raging at others. So will be his followers. As such, Elbar's closest feelings lie with those gods of times forgotten who also struggled to maintain the balance between creation and destruction. However, his recognition of the need for destruction draws misguided fear from the follower's of other gods, who sometimes must regrettably be swept aside like chaff in order to further the struggle for balance. Elbar welcomes this destruction as long as it is in the name of balance. However, since his desire for the Rod also places him on the hit list of other gods, Elbar has been forced to seek alliances where others have not the will to go, namely in the destructive powers of Ytrewtsu and Jirah.