Followers of Vyrul attempt to bring balance to the world of Tharel by establishing order where there is chaos and establishing an equilibrium between the light and the dark. Balance is achieved through the actions of the members of the temple, the utilization of temple and personal resources and through achievement of political power. The followers of Vyrul should observe the power of organizations in the realm (clan power), the control of territories in Tharel, the control of the bank taxes, political offices and acts of lawlessness. Generally above personal confrontation, Vyrulites complete their duties on a global scale. Enmity is most often established with organizations rather than against individuals. Chaos must be destroyed at all costs.
A temple member of Vyrul should be unconcerned with the worship of others as long as those others are lawful and orderly. A good follower will be patient and will persevere even in the gravest of situations. The highest ranking followers of Vyrul will guide the sheep of the religion and are cognizant and discerning of the balance. In carrying out the word of Vyrul, the loyal consider their actions carefully to ensure they do not act in a way contrary to the balance and that the balance is maintained at all costs. Balance in the world of Tharel is not achieved overnight.
Rank within the temple structure is always observed and those with the highest of rank control the temple and the followers within. The Rod of Destruction provides common ground for the temples of Sylune, Cylad and Mentmacro although the alliances are strained from time to time. Vyrulites seek the Rod of Destruction only to protect the balance from the use of its power. If obtained they will guard it with all of their power for it is the ultimate violator of the balance. Any follower of Vyrul who uses the Rod of Destruction will be excommunicated. If a means for destroying the Rod of Destruction existed, the followers of Vyrul would destroy it with impunity.