Justification of all player kills is necessary. This is not a cult of murderers and rapists but an intelligent authoritative society bent on world domination and the destruction of the land as it now stands. Rank must be observed at all times and those of lesser rank will bow down and show subservience to their higher ranking compatriots. Grouping with those from temples of the good and neutral (good) gods will be punished with a penalty of devotion points and possible excommunication for repeat offenders. Aid is only given to those of the same temple or possible converts. After pk you must note me with your justification for your actions.
The members of Tzatru are considered the elite of the followers of Ytrewtsu. Ranking of temple members vs clan members shall be as follows. The addition of temple rank and clan rank (0 if you are not the clan) will provide the total rank. Thus a member with temple rank of 5 and clan rank of 2 will have a combined rank of 7.
The followers of Ytrewtsu are basically the shunned outcasts of Tharelian society. They seek power for the sole purpose of recovering the pieces of the Rod and returning them to the Dark Lord. Recovery of the Rod will elevate a follower in standing and it is rumored that Ytrewtsu will reward those who recover part or all of the Rod by raising them in power to previously unheard of standards and giving them the land of Tharel to rule. Failure to reach this goal in a mortal lifetime results in punishment for eternity. The worshipers of this sinister being will resort to any means necessary to attain the Rod for their Master.