All PK must be justified. Markov's followers are not seeking killers or slavers, they seek the good of all sentient beings if possible, but do not hesitate to eradicate the followers of Ytrewstu.
The followers of Markov are the first line of defence to the people of Tharel form the forces of evil, and are the builders and creators of society but they may also be lovers of nature and its beauty.
Long ago the ancient gods warred over supremecy of the land, causing great forces to be unleashed in their quest for power and influence over nature and all the creatures that dwelled within the realm of Tharel. A great cataclysm occured when Ytrewtsu managed to wrestle the thrice forged Rod of Might from the other gods. Irrail, the godess of balance, seeing that all would be lost if Evil overcame all good because of the power of the Rod, made the ultimate sacrifice. In order for her to gain entrance into the Citadel of Ytrewtsu she enlisted the aid of the Champion Vallien and his loyal followers. They laid siege to the Citadel, with many brave and honorable souls losing their lives for their leader and fellow warrior. Markov braved the vast legions of Ytrewtsu's followers and led his clan of dwarves in the assault. When the horde of demons broke the assault, Markov fought with all his might so that he could give enough time for his beloved clan to escape the slaughter. At the very moment that a demon pierced his heart a great tragedy was unfolding...
Deep within the heart of the Citadel, the Rod was being guarded by the four most powerful demons of Ytrewtsu. The Lord of Death and Destruction, seeing his Citadel was under attack, went forth to destroy all those that opposed him. In this moment of distraction, Irrial slipped into the Citadel through the deep underground caverns. The battle raged above, and soon she knew that the tide would turn upon those that laid siege. With this she caused a glamour to fall upon the Four Demons and they turned upon each other in a great rage. With speed only a goddess can possess, she flew to the Rod and banished the protective runes that guarded it. Ytrewtsu felt the runes unravel and in a great rage, stepped through the void into the heart of his Citadel only to see Irrail standing with both hands grasping the Rod. Irrail, knowing that even with Rod within her grasp she could not overcome Ytrewtsu, knew what she had to do. Ytrewtsu, thinking he had at last the goddess within his grasp, cackled with insane glee! Quickly, she uttered the rune of unbinding and thrust the Rod into her very own heart! SHATTERED! Irrail's very being unraveled the Rod but could not destroy it utterly! Intead in the cataclysm of its destruction the many pieces scattered all through Tharel and the planes beyond its existence. Realizing that he and his Citadel would perish in such a blast, Ytewtsu used all his power and might to send the blast deep within the dark forests...
A great wrenching and groaning shook the earth! The dagger pierced Markov and yet he felt a great wave of peace as if all were now right. The demons howled when they felt the loss of their master's will over them, even if it was momentary, and in that distraction the earth split open before them! All those that had fallen with Valor and Honor was swallowed up by the depths of the earth. Darkness closed upon Markov, and soon his conscious faded...
The Thanes of the Dwarven Kingdom sent the younger brother of Markov to find his remains and return them to the clan to be honored within their sacred crypts. Daring great peril, he and a few of his closest friends went before the now darkened Citadel, and with the aid of a mage, found Markov's body buried within the broken ground, only to be astounded! The corpse had not decayed! It was heralded as a sign, and great tales of his heroism were passed down from generation to generation, and his now sealed crypt was visited once a year upon the date that the Great Sacrifice was wrought. The faith and love for him within the now many clans of the Thanes only grew, until one day a great mystery shook the Dwarven Kingdom! Upon the very day of Markov's Triumph and the Feast of Plenty, it was discoverd that the crypt seal was broken! A great cry and sorrow enveloped all, and a dark cloud seemed to hover over the very hearts of all who loved their fallen hero. Meanwhile...
Consciousness began to seep within him. "Where am I?" said a small voice within him. Soon he felt the very fabric of his being fill with holy light. "Wake, my son, your time has come," wispered a quiet but powerful voice, full of compassion and truth. "You shall be my champion, and that of those of the Path of Truth. Born of the Earth and Keeper of Tharel, you shall seek to right what was wrong!" And with this Markov raised his head. Amazed to see that he was not dead, he stood and wondered at his new found knowledge. With a mighty rench, he pushed open his resting place and walked forth into the dawning light of a new day...
Distraught, the clan was mourning the vandalism and theft of their hero's tomb when the earth shook as if great feet trod upon the very heart of the rock below. Soon a sight that caused many to fall as if dead came into view! It had the very likness of Markov but hewn as if from stone and precious gems as if the very heart of the mountain walked before them! "Do not fear, my beloved people," came a rumbling, as if the very earth spoke to them. "Be quiet in your fear, and glad of heart, for I have been reborn to walk the earth once again. Indeed I have become a part of the very Earth and all its great works!" With this Markov sank into the ground and was lost from view...
Many years later... "Markov bless you, my child," whispered a dwarven mother to her child. "May the earth's riches and Markov smile upon you, son," said a gnome to his only son. "Be well with the earth, and one with our ancestors," said a wise sylvan elf to his wayward daughter. Thus his legend grew and became known among the many races of Tharel, and Markov gained strength in their devotion and in the faith they had in him. He grew in stature and became one of the gods of Tharel, to become the champion of all those that sought good for the land and sought the blessings of the Earth to yet once again reign over Tharel in Truth and Might.
Thus is the history of Markov and the founding of his temple from his many followers.
Ghio RockHammer. The Dwarven Pixie Mage and Historian.