Must have a keen knowledge of history. Stop all those whom seek the Rod for destruction. Actions for the days events must be reported to Cylad for logging in the historical records. Any findings or sightings of the Rod of Destruction are to be reported immediately to Cylad or highest member of the church so they may be destroyed as soon as possible. Failure to follow these simple rules will subject in the person's exile from the Temple. Betrayal is punishable by death. The sentence will be carried by out by Cylad himself.
Cylad's goals are quite simple: find the Rod and bring it to the god so he may destroy its destructive power forever. Cylad's followers know the history of the land as if they had studied it their entire lives. The mistakes made by the beings of Tharel have brought the land to near destruction many times. Thus Cylad feels a balance between the two forces known as good and evil is necessary to keep them both from destroying his teacher's creation that he cares for so much. Cylad is known by his followers to be a very kind and loving god. He cares greatly for his followers, and does not like watching them suffer in any way. Out of many who worship the god, only a select few see this side of him, as he usually appears strict and firm to everyone else.
At the beginning of time itself, Fjiorim the Creator decided something must exist within the abyss that lay between the realms.
With slight waves of her hand, she created the very world we know today. Fjiorim enjoyed her creation so much she wanted to keep a detailed record of all events that came to pass. And so, at the beginning of the creation of Tharel, she held her hand up and a small bright ball of light appeared upon it. It floated from her hand to just in front of her. Fjiorim raised her head and hands to the sky, shouting in a loud, booming voice that could be heard for miles and miles:
"Shantos alma shal kyia!!!!"
Surging energies absorbed into the bright ball of light. The ball began to take the shape of a human. As the light began to fade, a loud scream was heard from the bright light, and it left an elderly looking man in its wake, kneeling unclothed and shivering.
With a wave of her hand, she warmed the elderly man, and helped him to his feet. "Oh my," she said, "we will just have to get you some proper attire."
A red glow surrounded the old man, and soon after he was dressed in gray robes.
"There, that's much better," she said. The man smiled back, not knowing what to think, or even where he was, for that matter.
"I am Fjiorim, creator of what you see before you." And the man gazed in awe, looking at the beautiful land before him.
"You created this?" the man said.
"Yes," she replied.
"Wh... what do you want with me?"
"Tell me something. How do you feel?"
"I cant really describe how I feel. I feel a tingling within me, but I don't really know how to explain it."
"Allow me to enlighten you," she said with a smile.
"I created you, and you have been infused with the power of time and space. I have a job for you."
The man looked at her with a confused stare on his face and replied, "Wh... what could I possibly do for you - surely the creator of a whole existence would not need someone like me. What could you possibly need me for?"
With a slight snicker she answered, "You see, even though I have created this world, there is still much to do. I would like you to watch over this realm and to record the progress and events that happen as time unfolds."
The man gulped and said, "But how could I accomplish such an act? I cannot be everywhere at once."
"On the contrary," she replied. "You are the living and breathing embodiment of time itself, you just have not learned to use your powers yet."
With that, she placed her hands together and as she spread them, a object glowing with unlimited power appeared. "Here," she said, "take this. With this object you can control and manipulate the waves of time as you see fit."
The object was a long, sharp scythe. As soon as it touched his skin, the weapon began to glow with a bright light.
"You are its master: you are the Master of Time, Cylad!"
"What does that mean, this Cylad?" the man said.
"It is from a language that was created before this plane existed, Cylad. It means Time."
And with that, the newly born God of Time, Cylad, set out to learn how to use his powers. Like everyone, he occasionally made slight mistakes and caused a few minor mishaps that Fjiorim found quite amusing, but she was patient with him and eventually, under her tutelage, he learned to use his powers quite well. Thus he began to forge and create his own domain, and he sat there hidden throughout the decades and decades, recording the events that passed through history. It is only now, after Fjiorim's death and the deaths of other gods, that he has decided to make his presence known, for he serves the balance in a world now struggling between darkness and light.