The taking of life is not acceptable. No follower of Barbades should kill another player unless it has been deemed necessary beforehand by one of the top four ranks of the temple. For self defense you can turn to the soldiers of Vallien, and assist them in any way during the fight that does not result in a death by your hand. Those who take a life without explicit permission will be judged, and likely excommunicated, as will those involved with a shady kill. In return for this protection, if any of Vallien's soldiers are attacked, any follower of Barbades that can help in any way, shape, or form will do so immediately. In these situations it is acceptable to distract the enemy through combat while someone escapes, and then escape yourself. Respect will be shown to every creature that walks this earth no matter how they treat you. Followers of high rank will be respected for their accomplishments, as will they respect those who are still learning. A follower of Barbades will never resort to insult slinging, or other verbal garbage. Any verbally abusive language or disrespect shown will result in a judging, and possible excommunication.
Strength and courage come in many forms, as can mercy be interpreted in many ways. Mercy could be the sparing of an enemy, or perhaps it is the quick death you deal one who has been judged. You may be strong of heart, mind or body and regardless of which be welcomed into the following of Barbades. It is however, strongly encouraged that you share a few common ideals. The shedding of blood should never be reveled in; it should be the last choice. Such actions or direction towards them will be determined by the high ranks of the temple, and may only then be performed without penalties attached. Those with strength have not earned it solely to benefit themselves they have worked and strived to better themselves and those presently incapable. This does not mean to become slaves, pampering those who will not work for themselves; but to simply aid others in their travels. The true meaning for which the temple operates can only be discovered through dedication and learning through the temple. Those who would join the order are only taking the first step, and need only possess certain qualities. It is through the temple that you will learn, and that the inner workings of the realm will be revealed to you. Lastly, followers of Barbades should present a positive outlook, and a friendly manner to the others we share this world with.