This budget is intended to maintain and develop a system for balancing objects in the world of Tharel. All builders must follow this budget. These are not guidelines, they are rules that must be followed. First we must examine the modifiers that will alter the amount of points available for usage on each item. First off a baseline must be established for each specific item. On Adventures Unlimited we will use the level of the object for the amount of points available for each item. Thus a level 40 item will start with a baseline value of 40 points to spend on affects for items. The formula below will be used to determine if an item is of acceptable strength.
budget = ((mob level)*(1 + modifiers))*(level modifiers) |
The below table is Lok's original table of modifiers plus a few of our own.
Modifiers | |
0.50 | Only one alignment can use the item. (i.e. item is anti-good and anti-neutral) |
0.25 | Two alignments can use the item. (i.e. item is anti-evil) |
0.25 | The item is on a hard mob. (high hps, sanctuary, specials) |
0.25 | The object is in a difficult to reach place. (past a gauntlet of boss mobs, etc.) |
Level Modifiers | |
1.50 | object is level 50-75 |
2.00 | object is level 76-90 |
3.00 | object is level 91< |
Now that we have the modifiers established, the following are the costs of each affect:
Cost | Type of Affect |
4 | per 1 hitroll |
7 | per 1 damroll |
7 | per 1 statistic (strength, etc.) |
1 | per 1 hit point |
1 | per 1 mana point |
1 | per 10 move points |
3 | per -1 armor class |
5 | per -1 saving throw |
Wands, Staves, and Potions Charges should never be more than item level/2 (i.e. 50 level item=25 or less charges) Spell Level should not exceed 5 levels above the item level. Armor Values Armor values for armor type equipment should be equal to or less than item level/5 (i.e. level 50 item could have a maximum of pierce 10 slash 10 blunt 10 ...also exotic should be item level/10).
We have decided to put a limit of one weapon flag on an item for each 25 levels. Thus: levels 1-25, 1 weapon flag; levels 26-50, 2 weapon flags; levels 51-75, 3 weapon flags; levels 76-100, 4 weapon flags. A weapon's average damage and maximum average damage should be assigned with this formula:
maximum average damage = (weapon level)*(1.10) |
Keep in mind that this average damage should be the maximum. Thus for a palace guard sword that is on a whole bunch of different mobs in one area, the average damage should be significantly lower (closer to weapon level). Also cursed weapons should be added if they fit within an area. There is no reason that a cursed item would have a good damage roll. Also we expect cursed items to be noremove or nodrop. Never under any circumstances should no remove be put on a good weapon.
A couple of things should be remembered when using this budget. First off, if you have questions, ask either Markov or Kiradus. Additionally remember that the budget cannot be exceeded but an item does not have to have as many points assign to it in effects as are available. We would really prefer that all of the items on the mud we not maxed out or it is going to be a pretty boring place to hunt for equipment.
This budget was adapted for use on Adventures Unlimited.