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Available VNUMs
VNUM Reference
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Refreshing this page will display an up-to-date list of free VNUMs. The VNUMs listed are only those that are free on both build and main ports.
12100 - 12200
14400 - 14449
15900 - 15949
16500 - 16549
18200 - 18299
18700 - 18709
18850 - 18899
19725 - 20099
21150 - 21199
21500 - 21599
21750 - 21799
22100 - 22249
23152 - 23999
25251 - 25350
27150 - 27299
27400 - 27499
27900 - 27999
29100 - 29149
29500 - 29699
35900 - 39499
42351 - 43199
43950 - 65535