Submitted by Balkoth
Balkoth stands proud in Market Square with a lute in one hand and a stool in the other. He sets the stool on the ground, sits on it, and begins to play and sing his song to the crowd that watches before him.
Before you, citizens, sits I, Balkoth the gnome,
With a tale of my past and how one temple became my home.
As a child I grew under the guidance of greed,
My parents, like I, sought gold as a need.
They left me in the Mines of Noal'xyn to find,
All the gold and riches that filled my mind.
And soon I realized they would not return,
So off I went to see what I could learn.
I survived off the pockets of many folk,
Unaware, they were, when I took their work's yolk.
Then I came upon the tall spire of stars,
It all entranced me: the music, luck, even the bars.
I climbed up the spire to find what I could see,
A starry map before me showed where the gold would be.
And now in the family of Mischief I seek gold not so much no more,
Now my goal in life is to find rainbow diamonds galoure.
"There you have it citizens, my simple life and how I came to be. Thank you."
Balkoth stands up, takes a bow, picks up his lute and stool, and walks back to his temple.