Tashara and her twin brother Rakshasen were born to Capulus and Rakshasa on the 14th day of the month of the Invasion, in 641. That puts them both at 7 years of age. Tashara is half drow and half quickling, and as such can be much more hyper than normal people of her age. Unlike her brother, who is inclined towards the magical arts, Tashara had a more martial mindset and because of her small size doesn't like to wield heavy, cumbersome weapons. When she was four, she followed her mother and father and joined the temple of Ytrewtsu. Blind violence was contrary to her young nature, and Tashara was very happy to switch to Elbar's temple when her father, mother, and second mother moved. Shortly after that, Tashara's mother moved to Sainos' temple along with her brother, which truly hurt the young girl. However, she remained true to her convictions and absolutely loved the temple she had found. Not only did it tolerate her chaotic nature and her abhorance of the rules, but it actually encouraged it and taught her that rules were simply things that caused stagnation and made people get comfortable and overconfident. People like Yregwyn, Quililia, and Abraxus became her surrogate parents, teaching her valuable lessons about things like 'weeding the weak so that the strong can prosper' and 'bringing others into chaos' along with 'tag' and 'throw stones at people to make them angry'.