I was born in a land far from Tharel called Culderalt. I lived in the capital city of the same name. I was born on the 24th in the Month of Vyruls Flame in the year 597. Culderalt uses a different calendar system, but Tharel is my home now so I've decided to go with that. My father was a blacksmith for the local warriors guild and my mother worked as an inn-keeper using our big home as the local inn. When I was old enough my father taught me how to use a sword when I was very young,telling me Raine, you're my daughter and Id like you to be like your mother,but you need to be able to defend yourself if the time should come. He also taught me some of the arts that he learned back when he was younger about being a thief. My mother had once been a great mage, but upon meeting my father, she gave up her magic. She taught me how to use magic telling me that magic is good for aiding others. Over the next 16 years I practiced the skills that my mother and father taught me. When I was 18 years old, I started helping my mother out at our inn. I helped our customers out, and I brought them food and drinks. One day we were told that the local Duke Alkernon and his son Marquis Elcordon were coming to our inn. It seems that Elcordon was soon to become the new Duke and it seemed that our inn was to be the planning area.
The next weeks, the Duke and Marquis have arrived and brought along several people with them. I have never seen so many people in my life. We had to wear formal attire, which I was a little nervous wearing as I have never had to do so before. I helped out with our guests as I used to. The Duke and Marquis were rarely in as they had a lot of running around to do. Late one night I was awakened in the middle of the night from some arguing downstairs. The Duke and Marquis were upset at each other and were shouting at each other. It wasn't my fight, but I decided to listen anyway. It seemed that Elcordon was to marry one of the women from one of my towns richer families, but he didn't seem interested in any of them. Alkernon had stated that he needed to find a bride and soon. Elcordon stated he'd find a bride when he was ready to and thus the shouting continued. I then proceeded back to bed. The next morning I awoke and went downstairs to see if our customers needed anything. To my surprise Elcordon was sitting at a table. I walked over to him and asked if he required anything. He asked me my name and I reply "My name is Raine." He looked over to me and said "Raine you're more beautiful than any of the other women that my father wants me to marry." I was a little shocked as that was the first time that I had received such a compliment. He then asked me to sit down with him and we talked most of the day. After we were done talking and he said to me "Raine you're the most incredible woman I've ever met." He then pulled out a diamond ring and asked me "Will you marry me Raine?" I was speechless after hearing that. Was this a dream I asked myself. I found him to be interesting while we were talking and I thought about it and finally said "Yes."
This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life! The days following the wedding proved otherwise. I moved into the palace after reassuring my parents that I'd be fine. I spent a great deal of time getting to know my new servants that hailed from many different lands. Over the next few weeks Elcordon inherited his fathers fortune and that is when things changed. He would be gone for days, but when I asked him if everything was fine he'd get angry with me and tell me to mind my own business! He denied that there was any problem, and it was that night that changed my life forever. Elcordon came back that day and told me to leave! He told me that he never wanted me as his wife, and that he only needed me so he could inherit his money. I was heart-broken, but I gathered my belongings and boarded a ship for a town called Naerlan that a servant had mentioned. I decided to go there and forget about my past. I have now spent several years in Naerlan and the surrounding areas, and I wonder if Ill ever be able to live a happy life like I could have.