This page has been designed to help all those who are new to the world of Tharel. Below is a list of the most common help files that new players request. If you have any questions that can not be answered below, feel free to enter our world and look up the help file there. If all else fails, do not hesitate to ask our players or the immortal staff. We will gladly help whenever we can.
Different channels are available for communication on the world of Tharel. These are the rules associated with each channel. If you need more instruction on a specific channel, type 'HELP <channelname>'
IC: Used for communication in character only.
OOC: Used for out of character communication about in real life stuff.
CLAN: Used for communication within a clan.
WAR: Used to insult and berate clanned players IC only.
QUESTION: Used to asked game-related questions, generally OOC.
ANSWER: Used to answer game-related questions generally OOC.
SAY: Used for in-room IC communication.
TELL: Used to communicate OOC with other players privately.
WHISPER: Used to communicate IC with characters in the same room privately.
The first lesson is knowing whom to fight. Use the command 'CONSIDER' to consider killing a monster. Avoid fighting monsters that will kill you easily.
The second lesson is running away. If a monster is too strong for you to kill, then type 'FLEE' after you are in combat. This will allow you to run away in a random direction. Doors have to be open for you to flee from a monster.
The directions you can go in any room are: North, South, East, West, up, or down. Of course, not all rooms have all exits available. To see the obvious exits in a room, type 'EXITS'. Sometimes doors are closed, or locked, or secret. For these, you have to notice clues in the room description, or try going in that direction and seeing if you bump into a door.
Equipment check time! Type 'EQUIPMENT' or 'EQ' to see your current equipment. Right now, as a new player, you have just a vest, a shield, and a weapon. As you go through Mud School you will acquire a complete set of equipment.
To pick up items on the ground as you see them, type 'GET <item>'.
To wear a piece of armor, type 'WEAR <item>'.
To hold a light source, type 'HOLD <item>'.
To wield a weapon, type 'WIELD <weapon>'.
To wear, hold, and wield everything you have, type 'WEAR ALL'.
To stop using a piece of equipment, type 'REMOVE <item>'.
Finally, to see the items in your inventory, type 'INVENTORY'.
After you kill a monster or mobile, you can get all of the equipment from their corpses with the command 'GET ALL CORPSE' then use the command 'WEAR ALL' to wear your newly gained equipment. When you are done looting a corpse, sacrifice it to your god 'SACRIFICE CORPSE'. Your god will reward you for this sacrifice.
Before you know the names of other players, they must introduce themselves to them, as you must do to them. The syntax for this is 'GREET <player>'. Greeting players allows you to recognize them by name instead of by their race and sex. In order to see players' names on some channels and in rooms, they must greet you. Greeting them is not enough. That would only enable them to see your name. The way you appear to other characters may be changed using the 'RTITLE' command.
Each race has their own language and there is a common language to help you get by. When you enter the realm you speak your native tongue. To speak in the common tongue, type 'SPEAK COMMON'. To learn more about languages, how to gain them, practice them and understand them, type help language when you enter Adventures Unlimited.
You can practice your skills and spells in Lailithia's Learning Center. Here you will learn the skills and spells necessary to survive the harsh world of Tharel. To find out what skills and spells you can practice and how many practice sessions you have, type 'PRACTICE'. You can check this anywhere. To practice the specific skill or spell, type 'PRACTICE <skill|spell>', where skill is the skill or spell you wish to practice.
With an argument practice that skill or spell. Your learning percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a maximum between 80% and 100%, depending on your class. You must be at a guild master to practice.
The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each practice session. The higher your wisdom, the more practice sessions you will have each time you gain a level. Unused sessions are saved until you do use them.
Syntax: RTITLE
Syntax: RTITLE <string>
The 'RTITLE' command allows you to add a small description for your character that others will see before you greet them. A new dwarf character would show up to others as "A dwarf is here". If you were to type rtitle short fat, players would see you as "A short fat dwarf is here" and so on. Once you greet a player, they no longer see your rtitle.
On Adventures Unlimited your character will not be saved until level 2, so hurry up and get there before you quit or you will lose all of your hard work. Once you have reached level 2 you may simply type 'QUIT' at any time and it will save your character wherever you are. Where you quit is the same place that you will be once you log on once again.
To find out your attributes, type 'SCORE'. A nice and easy to read score card will appear. When you first begin, this will show your name, title, class, race, hit points (hp), mana (mp), movement (mv), armor class, how much money you have on your person and in the bank, quest information, how much you are carrying, and how much it weighs, just to name a few things. Just to name a few things. If you type 'SHOW', score will also show you the spells cast on your character and how long they will last.
BUY - Buy something from the storekeeper.
LIST - The storekeeper will tell you what's for sale.
VALUE - The storekeeper will tell you how much he will give to you for that item. This is also affected by you alignment and the shopkeepers alignment.
SELL - Sell that item to the storekeeper.
When multiple items of the same name are listed, type 'BUY n.<item>', where n is the position of the item in a list of that name. So if there are two swords, 'buy 2.sword' will buy the second. If you want to buy multiples of an item, use an * ('BUY 5*pie' will buy 5 pies). These can be combined into (for example) 'BUY 2*2.shield', as long as the * is first.\
Syntax: REST
Syntax: SLEEP
Syntax: STAND
Syntax: WAKE
These commands change your position. When you REST or SLEEP, you regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement points faster. However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you are asleep then you won't hear many things happen.
Use 'STAND' or 'WAKE' to come back to a standing position. You can also 'WAKE' other sleeping characters.
To see a list of all socials, type help social. Socials and emotes may be displayed over some channels. The syntax is:
<channel> <!|em|emote> <string> (for emotes)
<channel> . <social> (for socials)
To train an attribute, you need enough trains. To find out how many training sessions you have, type 'TRAIN' while you are in this room. To train for a specific attribute, type 'TRAIN <attr>' where attr is the first 3 letters of the attribute you want increased.
Syntax: TRAIN <str int wis dex con hp mana>
Train increases one of your attributes. When you start the game, your character has standard attributes used on your class, and several initial training sessions. You can increase your attributes by using these sessions at a trainer (there are several in town).
It takes one training session to improve an attribute, or to increase mana, hp or movement. You receive one session per level.
The best attributes to train first are WIS and CON. WIS gives you more practice when you gain a level. CON gives you more hit points. In the long run, your character will be most powerful if you train WIS and CON both to maximum before practicing or training anything else.
If you want to go directly back to the temple at any time, type 'RECALL'. For players over level 15 you must either use the spell 'word of recall' or purchase a scroll of recall from the wizard in Naerlan.
Syntax: WIMPY
Syntax: WIMPY <number>
Wimpy sets your wimpy value. When your character takes damage that reduces your hit points below your wimpy value, you will automatically attempt to flee. You will only flee if your character is not in a wait state -- i.e. has not been using combat commands like cast, trip and bash, and has not been tripped or bashed by an enemy. 'WIMPY' with no argument sets your wimpy value to 20% of your maximum hit points.